MERIA Workshop Guide

MERIA Workshop Guide comprises 15 workshop activities and supports the implementation of professional development programs across the participating and other countries. The workshops both have an informative character and provide participants with hands-on experiences.The way of working is based on cycles of analysis-implementation-reflection so that teachers’ knowledge and professional competences related to inquiry-based mathematics education will be extended.

We provide suggestions for organizing and structuring the workshops, guidelines for the workshop instructors and materials to present and use during the workshops. The booklet primarily serves teacher trainers for the preparation of workshops based on MERIA principles and materials, but also provides teachers with a collection of activities designed to discuss various issues arising in the implementation of inquiry based mathematics teaching (IBMT). Workshop Guide enables teacher educators to:

  • Introduce the need for activities that promote inquiry-based mathematics in their classroom;
  • Show good practices that illustrate inquiry-based mathematics and provide guidelines for implementing teaching and learning materials in the classroom;
  • Organize activities that enable teachers to develop their own classroom materials. 

The activities are organized into five topics:

  1. Inquiry-based mathematics teaching
  2. Role of students and teachers in IBMT
  3. Structure for IBMT lessons
  4. Inquiry as a part of learning trajectories
  5. Experiencing MERIA scenarios

It has been developed by Utrecht University in cooperation with experts from University of Zagreb, National Education Institute of Slovenia, University of Ljubljana, University of Copenhagen, Vordingborg Gymnasium and XV. Gymnasium. 

Explore results

Contexts in RME - Paul Drijvers

A short lecture by Paul Drijvers for the activity on the role of contexts in IBMT tasks.