The activities and so far achieved results during project implementation were discussed at the second partner meeting in Utrecht.
MERIA project team had very busy first training week. These training events are designed to enhance the exchange of good practices between partners, transfer of knowledge from partners with specific expertise to other key persons through intensive workshops and prepare teams from all countries for completion of intellectual outputs and provision of dissemination workshops.
Host of the training activity was Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University. Through this training event experts on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) from the Netherlands and Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS) well-studied by partners from Denmark, provided lectures to learners from other countries on both theoretical and practical basis. In addition, suitability and barriers to implementation of RME and TDS in partner countries was studied.
On the first day the project team had an Introduction to TDS principles and exemplary situations as well as Realization of phases in TDS with the workshop on Realization of phases in TDS- part 1 held by Carl Winslow and Britta Jensen from University of Copenhagen.
Second day of the training was dedicated to RME.
Inquiry based mathematic teaching (IBMT) was discussed on the third day of the training event.
On the fourth and fifth day of the training event the project team learned about Design of TDS templates and its use trough a series of workshops.
Last day of the training was dedicated to comparison of mathematics education in different countries.